Today, I want to share with you the work of ~Jungshan from DeviantArt.
Bio: Chang Jung Shan is a female illustrator living in Taiwan and as she puts it, she likes to 'combine the Asian art style with the western technique of drawing, especially the ink effect'. And true to her word, her work just takes your breath away if you really are a fan of this style.
Enough talk. Let the work speak for itself!
Bio: Chang Jung Shan is a female illustrator living in Taiwan and as she puts it, she likes to 'combine the Asian art style with the western technique of drawing, especially the ink effect'. And true to her word, her work just takes your breath away if you really are a fan of this style.
Enough talk. Let the work speak for itself!
You can also check out her blog here if you want more of the ink style effect and the work I may have missed out here. Don't forget to comment on her profile if you like her style! And don't forget to comment and share this post if you like it!